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Week 5


  • Implement functionality for Attestation Workflow (Populate form with suitable data from schemas).

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  • Practiced working with the APIs and implementing logic in complex forms. Learned working with Reactive forms to build forms in angular. Reactive Forms provide a more structured and explicit way to handle form inputs and validations compared to Template-Driven Forms in Angular.
  • Learned some of the key characteristics of reactive forms including Form Control, FormGroup, FormArray, FormBuilder and Dynamic Form Control Creation.
  • Learned working with in angular to create and manage forms. This library provides JavaScript powered forms for Angular. The benefits of this library include:
    • Renders a JSON schema as a webform and hooks up that form to the API's
    • Nested components, layouts, Date/Time, Select, Input Masks, and many more included features
    • Full JavaScript API SDK library on top of